Sierra attacking the camera strap!
I love my new mousie!
Sophie guarding her mouse in the basket
Today the spotlight is on our 2 foster kitties Sophie & Sierra. It was a week ago today when we went & picked them up. It's amazing how fast they grow. We can already see a change. They've been SO much fun for our family & are such good kitties eating like little pigs, faithfully using their litter boxes (well, except for a few piles the first day) & playing like there's no tomorrow! Do you EVER get tired of watching kittens play???
Today they got new furry mice & they were in Heaven! I think they thought the mice were REAL! I even heard some growling going on when one got too close to the other's mouse. Too funny. I tried to get pictures of them playing but forgot to turn on the "fast motion" thingy on the camera & they all came out blurry - sorry. Ever try to get a kitten to hold still? I'll try & get some better ones later.
For now ~ HAPPY FRIDAY & WEEKEND! Give your kitties a hug!