I am SO excited!!! I FINALLY found the book that was my very favorite when I was a little girl! I've been searching the internet for it for years but for the life of me couldn't remember the name of it so had no luck. I was online late last night & just by chance came upon an ebay listing of a group of vintage books about kittens & this was one of them! I thought the kitten on the cover looked familiar so I googled the name & when I scrolled down thru the site listings there was my FAVORITE line in the book I had always remembered! ~
"Katie the Kitten, a small tiger cat, is asleep in the hall, in a ball, in a hat."
It just makes me smile to say that! I can't wait to get the book & read the whole thing! It's no longer in print so I'm lucky to have found a few copies online. Do any of you know the book? It's just the cutest thing & brings back such good memories. I think I could recite the entire book when I was little! Such a simple little thing to give so much joy. I guess my love of cats started shortly after I was born - ha. We even had a "small tiger cat" named, well ..... Tiger!
Hope everyone is ready for Christmas & finding time to relax & enjoy the simple things! xoxox
Thats wonderful.
I searches aswell for my favourite childhood- book allmost 30 years.
It´s so wonderful when you can hold it in your hands at last.
Happy holidays to you and your family
That's so sweet. I was quite a reader when I was a child, also. And didn't everyone have a kitty named Tiger? I'm sure we probably did. Take care and Merry Christmas.
Oh Jill what a happy Christmas for you...you can be a little girl again holding your sweet little kitty book!
I found a horse picture book I used to check out of the school library each week at an antique store one day and almost cried....
very happy moments indeed!
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and please stay warm and be safe during the winter storm you are facing in my beloved Kansas...
Love Karla and Misses Peach from the cozy cottage
How very sweet! What a wonderful prezzie for yourself! You are a good hunter!
Hi - Its my cat too! And I can still quote the first half of the book 58 years later!! I just bought a copy via ABE books but its not the right one. This one was published in 1982 The pictures are different and they have changed the words. I would love to know the words of the original. If you could be bothered to write them down for me I would be so grateful. I also want the original illustrations. Where did you get your copy from?? my email is rosiekaplan1@gmail.com. I would love to hear from you. Love from Rosie
I loved that line too... "Katie the Kitten, a small tiger cat, is asleep in the hall, in a ball, in a hat." My daughter bought the book on line for me a few years back. Very expensive... but such a wonderful memory!
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